Celina Su

Celina Su is the Marilyn J. Gittell Chair in Urban Studies and a Professor of Political Science at the City University of New York. Her publications include Streetwise for Book Smarts: Grassroots Organizing and Education Reform in the Bronx (Cornell University Press), Landia (a book of poetry, Belladonna* Press), and pieces in the New York Times MagazineHarper’sn+1, and elsewhere. Her work focuses on everyday struggles for collective governance, centering economic democracy and racial justice. In questioning hierarchies of expertise when a state of emergency is no state of exception, when to become legible is to be tamed into a taxable animal, she wishes to offer these lines in solidarity, to reassert our rights to the spaces between shadow and light.

AGITATE! Content by Celina Su

Between Academic Time And Crisis Time: A Conversation With Mona Bhan And Celina Su