Black Lives Matter and Savarna Supremacy

July 14, 2020

by Vishal Jamkar and Richa Nagar   We begin here, with Sharpton’s words, as two writers whose lives are lived across the borders of India and the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-Saint Paul, where Floyd’s murder has led to a great global uprising against racist and colonial settler structures and logics of the United States and…

A Frank Discussion with Iranian Americans about COVID19 and US Sanctions on Iran

May 8, 2020

by CODEPINK   It’s one thing to read news accounts about US sanctions and the outbreak of coronavirus in Iran, but it’s another to hear first-hand accounts. The following is a frank discussion with six Iranian Americans about how the collapse of the Iranian economy and the healthcare crisis affect the lives of people back…

In Praise of Empathy

April 27, 2020

by Ruramisai Charumbira   If you had told me that it would take a novel pathogen, to work like a charm, drilling hard into our collective heart, making us shiver with fear and empathy, I would have called you names. If you had told me it would take a novel pathogen, to snap our eyelids…

Statement of Solidarity with the Ukrainian People & Anti-War Voices

March 8, 2022

The AGITATE! Editorial Collective supports the following statement:    By the National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM India)         Resist the Expansionism of US-led NATO & Anti-People Military Industrial Complex Working People’s Rights World Over Must Prevail Over War-Mongering Indian Government must ensure safe return of all trapped Indian citizens and take…

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No to War. For a Transnational Politics of Peace.

February 28, 2022

The AGITATE! Editorial Collective supports the following statement:   By TRANSNATIONAL SOCIAL STRIKE PLATFORM   Russian large-scale attack over Ukraine brings war among us. In these weeks we saw the escalation of tensions between world powers under the astonished eyes of those who are struggling to recover their lives from two years of pandemic. We…

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Shav-vahini Ganga | Ganga, the Carrier of Corpses | શબવાહિની ગંગા | शव-वाहिनी गंगा , By Parul Khakhar

May 22, 2021

By Parul Khakhar   India is going through a devastating second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although this second wave was long predicted by medical and scientific experts, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government under Prime Minister Modi boasted of how India had conquered the virus. The stories from the first wave—of thousands of migrant…

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NAPM Yuva Samvad: Young People’s Political Persecution and Resistance | NAPM युवा संवाद: युवाओं का राजनीतिक उत्पीड़न और प्रतिरोध

This article is a summary of the National Alliance of People's Movements' month-long campaign on 'Young People's Political Persecution and ...

#DalitLivesMatter Webinar, hosted by Hindus for Human Rights, India Civil Watch International, Dalit Solidarity Forum, and the Reclaiming India Collective

This webinar on #DalitLivesMatter was organized collectively by Hindus for Human Rights, India Civil Watch International, Dalit Solidarity Forum, and ...

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