DCN members Wendy Kozlowski, Data Curation Specialist at Cornell University, and Jake Carlson, Research Data Services Manager at the University of Michigan, presented on the Data Curation Network planning phase and future work at the Research Data Access, and Preservation (RDAP) Summit in Chicago, IL on March 22, 2018. Check out the information packed slides, … Continue reading DCN Presents at RDAP Summit in Chicago, IL
Category: Everything Else
The implementation phase of the DCN was presented at the international meeting of research data stakeholders at the 11th plenary of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) in Berlin Germany March 21-23, 2018. See our beautiful poster! Poster: Implementing a Cross-Institutional Staffing Model for Curating Research Data
The IASSIST & Data Curation Network (DCN) hosted a Data Curation Workshop on December 11 & 12, 2017 at Washington University in St. Louis, USA. Support from IASSIST, Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Minnesota, Cornell University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign brought together approximately 45 professionals to … Continue reading DCN Hosts Data Curation Workshop
At our Data Curation Training workshop held in December we presented the CURATE steps, minimum levels of action that all DCN curators will take when reviewing a dataset. Attached is the downloadable PDF. This is still a work in progress, but we'd welcome your feedback. Checklist of DCN CURATE
After releasing our model for implementing the Data Curation Network this summer, the DCN team has been busy planning our next phase that will pilot and launch a cross-institutional staffing model for curating research data. We very excited that three additional institutions will join our cohort for this next step. Project team members include: Joel Herndon, Head … Continue reading New DCN Partners: Duke, Johns Hopkins, and Dryad
Supporting researchers with data curation is an important role that information specialists aspire to fill as the workforce transforms to assume greater digital stewardship responsibilities. To address this need, the Data Curation Network partners are holding a data curation training workshop this December hosted by the Social Sciences Librarians at Washington University in St. Louis and generously … Continue reading DCN Training Event Sponsored by IASSIST
The DCN Team is excited to announce that that the result of our planning phase, the model for launching a Data Curation Network, is now posted to our website for comment! We'd greatly appreciate your feedback on this proposed new service. Download and read the report (PDF) Summary: With support from the Sloan Foundation, our team … Continue reading DCN Model Released for Comment!
As we prepare for the webinar on the results of surveying 124 ARL institutions, we find that there is so much interesting data to share....and not enough time to discuss. For example, how do (n=51) ARL libraries support 47 data curation activities? See the results below! Raw data is attached and read the full report … Continue reading Levels of Data Curation in ARL – Summary Charts
The Data Curation Network team is excited to present at the IASSIST conference this week in Lawrence KS! We will give a panel Wednesday morning on Perception vs Practice in providing data curation activities where we share our research findings on what libraries say they do for data curation vs. what researchers find most important. … Continue reading Perception vs Practice
In partnership with the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Data Curation Network team has released Data Curation, SPEC Kit 354, an exploration of the infrastructure that 80 ARL member institutions are using for the active and ongoing management of data through its life cycle of interest and usefulness to scholarly and educational activities. This … Continue reading Survey of ARL Libraries: Data curation