Articles, Essays, & Tributes
Rescinding Rights
Renewable Energy Federalism
The Costs of the Punishment Clause
Antitrust, Attention, and the Mental Health Crisis
Inheriting Privilege
Remembrance of and Tribute to Walter F. Mondale
Too Hot to Handle?: Native Advertising and the Firestone Dilemma
Designer Minor: Creating a Better Legal Regime for Pediatric Cosmetic Procedures
Racial Bias in Algorithmic IP
Introduction to The Bremer-Kovacs Collection: Historic Documents Related to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (HeinOnline 2021)
Sprinting a Marathon: Next Steps for Gender Equity in Criminal Law Employment
Fighting Orthodoxy: Challenging Critical Race Theory Bans and Supporting Critical Thinking in Schools
Me, Myself, and My Digital Double: Extending Sara Greene’s Stealing (Identity) From the Poor to the Challenges of Identity Verification
K Is for Contract―Why Is It, Though? A K’s Study on the Origins, Persistence and Propagation of Legal Konventions
Chilling Effects and Unequal Subjects: A Response to Jonathon Penney’s Understanding Chilling Effects
De Novo Blog
By: Rachel Wynn, Business Law Clinic Student Director & Emily Buchholz, Executive Director of the Corporate Institute Since the COVID-19 pandemic, material adverse effect claims have increased in Delaware courts. A material adverse effect (“MAE”) is a change in circumstances that is reasonably expected to significantly diminish the value of a company. MAE clauses are…
By: Kylee Evans, Volume 106 Staff Member Student debt in the United States has hit a historic high.[1] The estimated total student loan debt as of March 2022 is $1.749 trillion.[2] Of that, the federal government owns about $1.61 trillion.[3] Legal scholars have long compared this debt to the mortgage bubble that led to the…
By: Jason Gutierrez, Vol. 106 Staff Member I. BACKGROUND, DOCTRINE, AND AXON’S ARGUMENT May a party arguing that the structure of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) violates the constitution bypass the FTC’s administrative review process and bring suit in federal court? Last summer, Axon Enterprise, Inc. presented this question to the United States Supreme Court…
By: Ben Gleekel, Vol. 106 Staff Member Northeast Minnesota may soon host an industrialized corridor of copper-nickel mining operations. The region is the home of the Duluth Complex—a geological formation containing an estimated 4.4 billion tons of copper, nickel, and other precious metals,[1] making it one of the largest untapped copper deposits in the world.[2]…
By: Sean Downey, Volume 106 Staff Member With its grant of certiorari in Sackett v. EPA, the Supreme Court will take its fourth try at resolving a question that has vexed courts, agencies, lawyers, and landowners: what are “Waters of the United States (WOTUS)?”[1] The Clean Water Act (CWA) prohibits the discharge of pollutants into…