Articles, Essays, & Tributes
Rescinding Rights
Renewable Energy Federalism
The Costs of the Punishment Clause
Antitrust, Attention, and the Mental Health Crisis
Inheriting Privilege
Remembrance of and Tribute to Walter F. Mondale
Too Hot to Handle?: Native Advertising and the Firestone Dilemma
Designer Minor: Creating a Better Legal Regime for Pediatric Cosmetic Procedures
Racial Bias in Algorithmic IP
Introduction to The Bremer-Kovacs Collection: Historic Documents Related to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (HeinOnline 2021)
Sprinting a Marathon: Next Steps for Gender Equity in Criminal Law Employment
Fighting Orthodoxy: Challenging Critical Race Theory Bans and Supporting Critical Thinking in Schools
Me, Myself, and My Digital Double: Extending Sara Greene’s Stealing (Identity) From the Poor to the Challenges of Identity Verification
K Is for Contract―Why Is It, Though? A K’s Study on the Origins, Persistence and Propagation of Legal Konventions
Chilling Effects and Unequal Subjects: A Response to Jonathon Penney’s Understanding Chilling Effects
De Novo Blog
GOVERNMENT CAN’T HAVE ITS CAKE AND EAT IT TOO: WHY GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT INITIATE A CBM REVIEW AND ESCAPE AIA ESTOPPEL PROVISION By: Seung Sub Kim, Volume 103 Staff Member What is a person? Although it is often used as a synonym for “a human being,”[1] courts have expanded the term to include a corporation[2] while ruling…
A LESSON IN STATUTORY INTERPRETATION: AZAR V. ALLINA HEALTH SERVICES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE HEALTHCARE AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW WORLDS By: Allisa Newman, Volume 103 Staff Member Medicare administration has met its match. An already technical healthcare statute is under scrutiny to navigate proper rulemaking procedure for its administration. On January 15, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments…
By Kate Hanson, Volume 103 Staff Member On January 1st of this year, Hawaii became the eighth jurisdiction[1] in the United States to allow physician-assisted death. In physician-assisted death law jurisdictions, physicians may prescribe medication to hasten death,[2] and patients retain the choice to fill the prescription and to ingest the medication. Physician-assisted death is narrowly defined,…
By Alexander Park Introduction What is a sandwich? Most people never stop to ask themselves this question. After all, the answer seems almost too obvious—two slices of bread with meat, cheese, or some sort of filling between the two slices of bread. In recent years, this question has been in the popular media’s spotlight. One question,…
Constructing the Sandwich By Alexander Park Introduction What is a sandwich? Most people never stop to ask themselves this question. After all, the answer seems almost too obvious—two slices of bread with meat, cheese, or some sort of filling between the two slices of bread. In recent years, this question has been in the popular…