DCN-75: “Terrestrial land-cover type richness is positively linked to landscape-level functioning”, a GIS/geospatial ecology and evolutionary biology dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Elizabeth Hull on behalf of Dryad, and curated by Melinda Kernik.

This dataset was of good quality initially, but Melinda had several recommendations for the data author, including: adding citations for data sources used in the analysis, clarifying definitions and units of measurements in the documentation (README file), removing redundant documentation (README) files, and finally, considering the inclusion of a spatial data file with the boundaries of the studied plots to make the dataset potentially more useful for future researchers.

Elizabeth reported that the data author accepted the almost all of Melinda’s recommendations, and therefore major curation actions were taken (files, documentation, and/or metadata updated or added).

For more information about this dataset please click the linked identifier above. Thank you Melinda and Elizabeth!

The purpose of this Dataset Digest series of blog posts is to keep our followers informed and up to date on the curation activities of the DCN! These weekly updates will summarize datasets that have been curated by the network. Once a dataset is “finalized” (curation is complete, any necessary updates or changes have been made, and the dataset has been made publicly available via the local partner repository) we add it to our website and include it in our weekly digest. Thank you for following our progress!